I sat down with my sister about 4 years ago and we talked about all the things she had learn't from having babies. Next month she is having her 5th baby and I'm excited. I just found this document and thought I would share it with you..... Don’t eat these foods while you’re pregnant: Peanuts, peanut butter, soft cheese, deli food, mussels, Chinese takeaway Eat loads of: Fresh fish, fresh fruit, heaps of meat for iron; Spirellina is also a great source of iron. You want your baby to have at least 6 months of iron supply when born. Your body will tell you through your cravings, for the things it needs Don’t take vitamin C, but orange juices are ok, and stay away from multi vitamins. Vitamin C doesn’t go through into your milk when breast feeding. Don’t let your baby go to sleep with a bottle of orange when it gets older as the sugar will rot it’s teeth. Stretch and relaxation sessions for pregnant people are available at the hospital and are a wonderful to attend. Also the pre-an...