I have been reading 'Paint In Your Pyjamas' by Cindy Wider and have loved reading it!' Cindy talks about making time to paint and one way to do it is getting your family to take on more responsibility and to make life a lot easier for you! Like making one pot dinners (less washing up), get a haircut that is easy to manage (less time in the morning making yourself pretty), saying 'NO' to people and things you don't want to do. ' She shares in the book tips to finding your soulmate, your true self, reawakening your jungle girl and much more! It has her life story, she had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and she realised that she had to change her lifestyle or she wouldn't get better! I am a true believer that if your mind isn't right how can your body be? She found the process of creating art helped her define who she was, what she believed in and gave her direction as well as opening up, to receive her life purpose. How art has helped other woman. Ther...