There are loads of things happening in Wanganui for the arts, there is a new gallery that has opened in the building that I would like to get a studio space in the upstairs, I have been praying that the space will come available for me at the right time! There are competitions and a glass festival coming up over the next few months.
Life has been so different having Maddy has opened up so many different doors, there is so much to learn. There are so many favorite parts like buying her clothes, even through she hates getting dressed and would much rather be NAKED! She is SO cute, a chatter box and growing quickly, she is already 6.5kgs at 3 months. Maddy hates sleeping through the day but is great through the night once you get her to sleep, I dread the hours of 5-7pm when I'm feeling low on energy and she just wants to feed and fights going to sleep! Anyway the little treasure has just woken up so I better go and feed her.
The message for you today is: IF I AM REALLY WISE...
... I WON'T COMPROMISE MY INTEGRITY ("wisdom is pure")
I'll be honest with you. I'll keep my promises and commitments to you.
... I WON'T ANTAGONIZE YOUR ANGER ("wisdom is peace loving")
I'll work at maintaining harmony. I won't push your hot buttons.
... I WON'T MINIMIZE YOUR FEELINGS ("wisdom is courteous")
I may not feel as you do, but I won't ignore or ridicule how you feel.
... I WON'T CRITICIZE YOUR SUGGESTIONS ("it allows discussion')
I can disagree with you without being disagreeable.
... I WON'T EMPHASIZE YOUR MISTAKES ("it is full of mercy")
Instead of rubbing it in - I'll rub it out.
... I WON'T DISGUISE MY MOTIVATIONS ("wholehearted...and sincere")
I'll be authentic with you. I won't "con" or manipulate you.
Here is a music clip I recorded of Rere playing her song ROCK HOPPERS....