Happy 11.11.11 everyone ❤
This is by far the coolest day of the drawing challenge! A turning point in my life was me and my packed up to the brim car, driving from Auckland to Rotorua, and seeing the lake thinking this is happening for real. That day I chose to live my life and I couldn't think of a more beautiful place to start. Thank you Rotorua for everything you gave me x
I have caught a wee cold so I'm not very with it today, hence the photo instead of the drawing.
The link to last years awesome day 11 - denitatizard.blogspot.com/2010/11/art-every-day-month-day-11-right-is
The boat is on Lake Tarawera a magical place! www.clearwater.co.nz
This is by far the coolest day of the drawing challenge! A turning point in my life was me and my packed up to the brim car, driving from Auckland to Rotorua, and seeing the lake thinking this is happening for real. That day I chose to live my life and I couldn't think of a more beautiful place to start. Thank you Rotorua for everything you gave me x
I have caught a wee cold so I'm not very with it today, hence the photo instead of the drawing.
The link to last years awesome day 11 - denitatizard.blogspot.com/2010/11/art-every-day-month-day-11-right-is
My card for the day is
This I have been reminding myself of all week!
The clip for today is all about Rotorua (I worked on this boat, we had lots of fun!)
The boat is on Lake Tarawera a magical place! www.clearwater.co.nz