A few weeks ago on Sunday (TV programme) Mere was interviewed about this painting, that I am standing next to in the photo, by New Zealand artist Phillip Clairmont. It was about the fuss of it being sold and how some people thought that Phillip didn't sign it. In the programme they showed a photo that had been taken of the painting after his death and you couldn't see the signature but as you can see in this photo it doesn't look like it is signed either and the photo was taken with a good camera so maybe it was signed and the camera didn't pick it up?
We had a lovely morning out there and I'm happy to say that Mere is going to open up the house for the Open Studio weekend so others can go and enjoy her home and check out this famous painting. Mum is going to join in with her so you check out my Mums work as well while you are out there. Mum has done lots of painting from the area which sell like hot cakes so hopefully she will do some more.
I made a slide show of some of the photos I took while I was out there Click Here to view.
Our exhibition is only 4 days away and we heard yesterday that Stefano is back in town but sick so I will pop around there today and see what I can do to help him get better. It's been no stress so far for the exhibition but I'm sure we will have a little stress closer to the day as we all work better under stress.
I started a huge painting yesterday and ran out of paint so had to try and get it to a stage that I liked without the materials it was hard as I never run out.
Richard and Carolyn are coming around tonight to have a dew drinks which I'm looking forward to. We always end up with Shaughan on the guitar and Richard on the drums and us girls having a wee boogie.
My message for the day was: Every time you smile and feel happy, you are fulfilling God's will.