HAPPY HALLOWEEN! History of Halloween The Festival of Halloween is a celebration of the end of the fertile period of the Celtic Goddess Eiseria . It is said that when Eiseria reaches the end of her fertile cycle the worlds of the dead and the living interlap . This happens on October 31. Masks are worn to show respect for the Goddess Eiseria who, like most Celtic deities, does not wish to be seen with human eyes. The day also proceeds All saints day, which was at first the celebration of the start of a new cycle of fertility for the Celtic Goddess Eiseria . Couples incapable of producing children thus tried their luck on All saints day. I haven't been on my computer for ages the weather has turned into Summer and I have been enjoying the sun and getting into my painting and cooking. On Monday we went and had lunch at Cracked Pepper and while we were there I asked them if they wanted to change their art work, they were dead keen. So we came back pick a few pieces and went back a...