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Friday 19th October

It's a beautiful day here in Wanganui the sun is shinning bright and there are loads of people out enjoying the day.

This photo is a painting I did for Shaughan a year ago. I have a wall in the house which is just for us, I think every couple should have a wall to hang things on it to show their love. We also have a photo wall in the kitchen, by accident I went into get some photos printed and we ended up laminating them and they cost a margin of the price as getting big photos printed and they are waterproof, bonus!

Yesterday our friend Dave came over for the night and we had a great afternoon. I took him for a wee tiki tour around town up to the gallery and tried to find a farm for him to buy. It would be so cool if he lived around here! He is a treasure. He bought over a beautiful lamb roast and we had a lovely night catching up over a few drinks. He left pretty early this morning to play golf with his mates, oh what a wonderful life we have.

My little sister called in with lunch and then we headed up to the art school and picked up her gear. I got to met her tutor and lots of art students. Then we went to the gallery, 2 times in the last 24 hours. I got to take a photo of my painting in there and read all the books they had about photography and got excited about setting up the dark room. I must ring up Aaron and Matt to see if they are still keen to help me.

I have been trying to sort out all my paper mess that I had stacked up for years in my office and have been finding some cool things like photos of the family and ideas I had for paintings so my brain is in overload. I have a love of old building and have about 30 photos that I have taken and would like to do a series of paintings with loads of layers, yummy. I better get back to it.

My message for the day was: If you need more faith or belief, ask us to help you, and you will feel a shift very soon.


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